Dear Parents and Community,
The 2021-2022 California Dashboard was released today.
The Dashboard is a key component of the state’s school accountability system, which includes the latest data on graduation rates, suspension rates, test scores, English Learner progress, chronic absenteeism, and local indicators. The Dashboard also includes information on English Langauge Arts and Math test scores, which were previously released, and take into account whether 95 percent of eligible student participated in assessments - a federal requirement. As you are aware, our students performed among the top in the state in ELA, Math and Science with 100% participation in Math, 99% participation in Engluage Language Arts and 100% participation in Science.
The chronic absenteeism rate is another indicator that measures the number of students who missed 10 percent of the days they were enrolled for ANY reason. Thank you for doing your best to keep your child/children healthy and in school. Our Chronic Absenteeism rate was 5.2%.
California uses the data reported on the California School Dashboard to help determine those districts and schools that are eligible for state assistance. Because the pandemic interrupted the statewide data collection, assessment, and accountability systems, the 2022 Dashboard is a restart of California’s accountability system and only current year performance (Status) is being reported on the 2022 Dashboard. The colorful “gauges” of the Dashboard will return in 2023.
I encourage every family to view the Dashboard results for the Cold Spring School District:
Thank you for your continued partnership and support.
Dr. Alzina