Sara Di'Salvo, Chorus Teacher
About the Chorus Program...
Cold Spring School Chorus has been an integral part of music enrichment at Cold Spring School for the last 30 years. The chorus program is open to students in 4th-6th grades and meets before and after school each week beginning in September and concluding in early May. We meet Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:05-4:05 pm. Through rehearsals, community support, and family commitment, we are able to deliver this outstanding program to our students and to Santa Barbara County.
Throughout the duration of the year, students learn to sight-sing, sing harmony, and sing pieces in various languages including German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Latin. Students learn the value of teamwork, how to be critical listeners, how to perform, and the responsibilities that come with group participation. They also have opportunities to connect with the community at large and the larger world of choral singing through field trips, choral performances, and choral exchanges with other children's choruses.
Performances include:
Fall Semester - Assisted Living Home Performances, Pianos on State, Fall Sing, Caroling in the neighborhood, The Doubletree, and the Winter Sing
Spring Semester - Choral and Band Festival at the Lobero Theater (April), Choral Exchange, Knott's Berry Farm (April), Spring Sing
Click for Information and registration form for participation in the 2023-2024 Chorus Program.
Click on the video links below to hear a sampling of the Cold Spring School Chorus:
We Honor You
The Path to the Moon
Sara DiSalvo
Music Teacher
Cold Spring Chorus Performs at Scoop Ice Cream in Montecito

Cold Spring Chorus Performs at Disney California Adventure on Friday, April 22, 2022