Procedures for Reporting Absences
School attendance is integral to a student’s academic success. Compulsory attendance in school is legally required for all minors under the age of sixteen and it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that their student attends regularly. Truancy, tardiness, or excessive absences violate this law and can result in the parents or the child being held accountable and penalized by the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office. Please note, taking your student out of school for family vacations will be considered an unexcused absence.
If your child is absent:
Contact the school as soon as possible each day your child is absent. This is an Education Code requirement. Absences may be verified via the ParentSquare app, phone message, email, or written note. Verification information should include the student’s full name, grade, dates and reason for the absence.
If your child must leave early from school:
Please allow enough time for the School Office to retrieve the message and notify the teacher. Students/parents MUST check out with the School Office before leaving.
If your child is not feeling well during school:
Students are to request a pass from their teacher to go to the Office. The Office staff will assess the student and contact a parent/guardian if needed.
Examples of excused absences:
Illness, medical appointments, court appearance, and school business including field trips and on-campus testing.
Examples of unexcused absences:
Vacations, oversleeping, car trouble, child care, and carpool issues.
Santa Barbara County District Attorneys Office
Click here for more information regarding Truancy.