COLD SPRING SCHOOL FOUNDATIONThe Cold Spring School Foundation was established in 1980 in response to Serrano/Priest and Proposition 13 State Legislation. Combined with declining school enrollment, Cold Spring School was left with one of the lowest ADA's (translate, "funding status") in Santa Barbara County. In response to these monetary constraints, the Foundation was originally established to raise funding for art, music, and library resources. Computer technology has become an additional beneficiary of this funding, as has Physical Education.
In addition to annual fund-raising events, the Foundation, as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational institution, also serves as the channel for various funds raised for specific endeavors such as the construction of the school library.
The Cold Spring School Foundation is charged with raising money to fund annual grant requests from the School Board. The Foundation supplements funding for staffing and instruction in the arts, music, drama, library, STEAM, and technology programs as a complement to the core subjects.