Certificated (Teaching Positions):

  • Elementary School Teacher
    Cold Spring School is now accepting applications for an Elementary School Teacher for the 2025-26 school year. Applications will be accepted until 4pm PST on April 4, 2025.

  • Substitute Teacher
    Cold Spring School is accepting applications for Substitute Teachers on a continuing basis.

Classified (Non Teaching Positions):

Please check and apply via Edjoin for employment openings.

Cold Spring School District Benefits

  1. Medical & Dental Insurance - Cold Spring School District pays $18,500 in annual employer contribution towards the premiums for all its full-time employees. Employees with less than full-time assignments may buy into District plans with premiums split between the employer and employee on a pro-rata basis. The District also offers a Bronze Plan under the Affordable Care Act for employees and dependent children.

  2. Group Life & Disability Insurance - Cold Spring School District currently does not offer life or disability insurance policies for its employees, however, the District will provide information from Pacific Educators for all employees who wish to purchase plans.

  3. Retirement - Cold Spring School District offers a retirement plan for all full-time classified and certificated employees. The District participates in California State Teachers' Retirement System ("CalSTRS"). This plan covers full-time certificated employees. The District also participates in California Public Employees' Retirement System ("CalPERS") for classified employees assigned to positions with 1,000 + hours per fiscal year.

  4. Flexible Spending Account - Cold Spring School District offers its employees participation in a Flexible Spending Account (allowed under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code), which allows for an increase in expendable income through payment of the following on a before-tax basis: employee and dependent medical and dental care expenses (including deductibles and co-payments), and qualifying dependent care expenses. Annual limits apply. Please contact the Business Office for more information on all benefits available to staff members.