Ground Breaking Ceremony Success!
It brings me great joy to see the hard work and dedication from the past and current Board and Administration finally come to fruition. It has taken the District 16 years to get to this point. We have stayed focused on what truly matters, our children! Our vision is for every child, to receive every opportunity to be successful, each and every day. This vision is what guides our whole-child approach to teaching and learning, including our facilities. A shout out to our 19six Architects and our selected contractor, Edward Construction group, for supporting our efforts to get this building started! I have attached a few photos from our event for you to enjoy!
Third Through Sixth Grade CAASPP Testing
All third through sixth grade students will be taking the CAASPP assessment beginning Monday, May 9 through Tuesday, May 24th. Please make sure your child comes prepared to do their best by getting a good nights sleep the night before and eating a nutritious breakfast.
Safe Routes to School Thursday in the Gazebo
I am inviting all families and community members to join our Safe Routes to School Meeting on Thursday, May 19th at 8:30 AM in the Cold Spring School Gazebo. The main agenda item is the Barker Pass project. The Barker Pass project is starting in less than a month. The Bucket Brigade is asking for our assistance to ensure a safe pathway for our children. Thank you in advance for joining our Safe Routes to School efforts!
School Site Council/LCAP Advisory Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 7am in the Library
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
2022-2023 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Future Agenda items
Next Meeting: TBA
Board Meeting Highlights from the May 16, 2022 Regular Meeting
- Dr. Alzina recognized Zoe Copus, Parent Club President, for all of her work this year organizing events and parent volunteers for our students.
- Dr. Alzina recognized Sara DiSalvo for the Spring Sing performance and Amber O’neill for the Art Fair. She thanked them for their hard work.
- Dr. Alzina recognized Stephanie Carey, 1st grade teacher, for receiving the Crystal Apple Teacher of the Year Award. There will be an awards ceremony at the end of the month to celebrate Ms. Carey and all of the award recipients in Santa Barbara County.
- Dr. Alzina announced that the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new classroom project to be held on May 18th at 12:15pm. The whole community is invited to attend.
- Dr. Alzina gave a presentation to the Board regarding the LCAP Annual update for 2022-23 school year. The three priority goals remain consistent:
- GOAL 3: To promote positive school culture and climate that emphasizes a balance of academic achievement, healthy personal development, social and environmental responsibility, and enthusiasm for lifelong learning.
- GOAL 2: Students, parents, and the community are actively engaged in the decision-making process.
- GOAL 1: All students will participate in a collaborative and integrated project-based approach to learning.
- Mr. Calderon led a budget workshop. The budget challenge the district is facing next year will be to maintain the current educational program level without the one-time COVID funds the district received as grants from the state while adding the universal TK program and universal meals program. The district is also projecting an increased cost in Special Education for next year.
All School Beach Day: Wednesday, June 1st
The Annual School Beach Day is Wednesday, June 1st. Teachers and room parents are sending out information requesting parent volunteer drivers to and from the beach. Please let teachers know as soon as possible if you can provide transportation to and from the beach. This is a fun event for our students and a great way to celebrate their year of hard work!
Memorial Day, Monday, May 30th - No School
School is closed on Monday, May 30th to celebrate Memorial Day.
Last Day of School Early Dismissal, June 2 at 11:30AM
The last day of school is June 2. All students will be dismissed at 11:30AM.
****Dolphin Center is NOT available on the last day of school.****
Calendar of Events
- May 9 - May 31 CAASPP Testing 3rd- 6th
- May 19 – School Site Council, 7:30 AM
- May 20 – Track and Field Meet 4th, 5th, 6th, 9:15 AM
- May 23 & 24 – 5th Grade Science Test
- May 27 – Foundation Meeting, 8:30 AM
- May 25 & 26 – 6th Grade Play, 5:30 PM
- May 30 – Memorial Day, No School
- May 31 – Math Superbowl 4th, 5th, 6th
- May 31 - Staff vs. the Sixth Grade Students Kickball Tournament, 1:30 PM
- June 1 - All School Beach Day
- June 2 - 6th Grade promotion in Principal’s Courtyard, 8:30 AM
- June 2 - Kindergarten promotion in Principal’s Courtyard, 10:30 AM
- June 2 - Early Dismissal, 11:30 PM
- June 2 - SB Montecito Library Van comes to Cold Spring, 3:30 PM
- June 2 - Sixth Grade Graduation Party, 6:30 PM