We Remember: The Seventh Anniversary of the January 9th Debris Flow
Today marks seven years since the Montecito debris flow that tragically claimed 23 lives. To honor their memory, last year's sixth-grade class and I, along with Mrs. Ish, will participate in the Cold Spring Bells Ceremony at 6:20 PM. Additionally, the community is invited to the Raise Our Light event at Montecito Union School at 6:00 PM tonight.
Information about our annual Read-a-thon, led by our Parent Club, will be sent home in your child's Friday Folder. This is the perfect opportunity to sign up your child and begin soliciting donations. The Read-a-thon officially starts on Monday, January 20th. Stay tuned for more details about participation and prizes for the most words read.
Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Day
On Friday, January 24th, all students are encouraged to come to school dressed as their favorite book character. Let's see your creativity!
Annual CSS Showcase of Stars
Dear CSS Families and Students,
We are excited to see our talented singers, dancers, musicians, magicians, filmmakers, and more at our annual Showcase of Stars. We encourage students to prepare a fun act, solo or with friends, not exceeding 2.5 minutes. Each student may participate in one act only, which can be performed live or presented as a video in MP4 format.
AUDITIONS: Wednesday, January 29th, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM in the Auditorium. Please be prepared for a flexible schedule as we cannot accommodate special scheduling requests.
DRESS REHEARSAL: Tuesday, February 4th, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM in the Auditorium, with costumes and props.
PERFORMANCE: Wednesday, February 5th, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in the Auditorium. Performers should arrive by 3:45 PM.
Adult supervision is required during auditions and dress rehearsals. Please accompany your child and sign them in and out at the dolphin center before heading to the auditorium. Friends and family are invited to the performance only.
Sign Up: Click here to sign up online, or use the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the office from January 7th through January 23rd. Be sure to include your child's name, grade, and act description.
What to Bring to Auditions:
Bring any necessary instruments, costumes, or props. Contact Miss DiSalvo in advance to borrow instruments. Please remember to email your accompaniment music and videos to showcaseofstars25@gmail.com before your audition, including the karaoke version and timestamps for each track.
Questions: Contact sdisalvo@coldspringschool.net. We welcome parent volunteers for this event; please fill out the Google Form to let us know if you can help.
Calendar of Events
9: Ringing of the Bells Ceremony, 6:20 PM
13: Board Meeting, 6:00 PM
14: Parent Club Meeting, 8:30 AM
20: Martin Luther King Holiday (No School) & Read-a-thon Kickoff
24: Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Day
28: Incoming New Families School Tour, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
4: Incoming New Families School Tour, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
5: Annual Variety Show, 4:00 PM
6: School Site Council, 7:30 AM
10: Principal’s Coffee, 8:30 AM & Board Meeting, 6:00 PM
11: Parent Club Meeting, 8:30 AM
14 & 17: No School - Presidents' Day